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K-LUG - Rochester, MN Area Linux Users Group

Note: To request a wiki account, please join the mailing list and post a message.

We can use presentations for upcoming meetings, please see a list of ideas if you're willing but lacking a topic.

LUG News

Field trip and non-standard date!

Technical Meeting: Wednesday July 15th, Squash Blossom Farm

Aquaponics, presented by Ruth Arhelger. She has provided the following summary:

-- Field trip Squash Blossom Farm to investigate Aquaponics. Aquapoincs is a growing method similar to hydrophoics (growing plants in water) which uses fish for natural nutrients rather than powdered additives. We will go through the system from fish to food, discussing the basic mechanics, common pitfalls, health, and safety. This is an active farm. Expect mud and dress appropriately to be outside. --

Field trip details:

• Wednesday, July 15th, 6 pm. Squash Blossom Farm, just east of Douglas. Squash Blossom is located at 7499 60th Ave. It is on the corner of 75th St and 60th Ave. Please park along the ditch on 60th. Depending on the interest in this trip there is potential for carpooling from the Arhelgers, which is a mile from the farm.

• Vague RSVP’s are requested. Tweet Ruth at @ruarh for RSVPs and questions, or email Tina off-list.

• Ruth will be giving the aquaponics presentation. Susan, Squash Blossom Farm owner, will be present as well to answer questions about the farm.

• Kids are very welcome, though parents need to be aware there are animals and electric fences which are occasionally hot. If your children are specifically unruly or afraid of cows maybe this isn't the best plan for them. As always at all of our events, parents are responsible for their children at all times.

• Animals you may come in contact with include dogs, chickens, ducks, turkeys, cats, fish, and cows. The cows are penned but the fowl and dogs roam free.

• Dress for outside - there will be mud, there may be chicken poop, long grass, etc. We will not be traipsing through cow pastures or especially gross parts of the barn.

• If the weather on Wed the 15th is terrible we have planned for an alternate trip the next day, Thursday the 16th, also at 6pm.

Lunch: Thursday July 16th

11:30 am, Apache Mall food court, near B&N.

Planned Social: July, TBD

Rockets and cookout with the Rabbit Hole folks. Also bring your RC helicopters/planes, kites, etc, in case of varying wind conditions. Still waiting to hear a date from them.

Extra Lunch: Thursday August 13th

11:30 am, Thursdays on First. Kevin may be at "the bigger stage" (I believe that's by Historic 3rd St SW, near The Tap House and The Half Barrel, by where Bilotti's used to be), if anyone wants to join him outside.

Technical Meeting: Thursday August 13th

Kevin A, on DEFCON 2015.

6 pm, in or near RCTC Heintz Center's HA107.

Directions to Campus

Heintz Center Building Map

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let Jon G or Tina know.

Planned Social: August, TBD

Ideas can be found here or invent your own. What would you like to do? Tell Tina.

Likely ice cream and yard games at Tina's.

Planned Technical Meeting: September 10

Speaker needed, please let Tina or Jon G know if you're willing to volunteer. Willing to present but want to know what people have expressed interest in? Check out our requested topics page.

6 pm, in or near RCTC Heintz Center's HA107.

Directions to Campus

Heintz Center Building Map

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let Jon G or Tina know.

Pending potential presentations


Oculus Rift], "the first truly immersive virtual reality headset for video games" .  Peter Shabino

Jon Gullixson: gnucash or www :: Mechanize

Planned Socials: Fall or winter

-Murder mystery. The host needs to buy a kit at a gaming store to get the event started.

-Jim Henderson, "Silicon Valley" documentary

-Rock climbing at Prairie Walls

-Bowlocity laser tag. 5-6 people minimum needed.

-Liquid nitrogen ice cream. This needs a non-Tina organizer. Dennis DeLorme has 2 recipes. We need safety equipment and someone trained enough to keep us from freezing ourselves.

-MAME/foosball/ping pong at ... can't be Tim Massaro's anymore...

-February or July armchair mapping aka road rally event,

Upcoming Meeting Crisis!

Well, not really a crisis, but we do need some meeting topics (& speakers) for 2015. We'd like to know what you want to see and hear about. Please email Tina or Jon G with suggestions for topics. Should we run some previous sessions again (maybe something you really wanted to see but missed out on)? What type of topics are good, what type are bad? Also see this page for a list of suggested topics

Old News Items

See the OldNews page.