K-LUG IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Server
K-LUG has our own IRC server setup at irc.k-lug.org. We're in the #klug channel. Stop on over... we'll keep a light on for you.
A quick intro to IRC
- Find a IRC client you like. X-Chat (www.xchat.org) is a good one for beginners and the experienced.
- In the IRC command line enter '/server irc.k-lug.org' (no quotes)
- Once connected to the server, you may or may not be able to use the '/list' command to see all the channels on the server
- This doesn't really matter because you just need to '/join #klug' to find us.
- Now you should be in the channel..just introduce yourself and pass around the drinks.
- To send a private message to someone type '/msg nick Message' where nick is the user's nickname on the channel and Message is what you want to tell them.
- For more information on IRC please see www.irchelp.org.