
From K-LUG Wiki
Revision as of 00:51, 12 January 2024 by Twood80 (talk | contribs)
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Who are we?

Most of us are from the Rochester, Minnesota area, or have been there at one time or another. We have a lot of IBMers, Mayo employees, students, retirees, and plenty of others.


We try to keep things simple and informal. Officers are listed below. System administrators include Derek Hunt, Wade Fields, Dean Johnson, Kyle Jerviss.

Office Person
President Tina Wood-Wentz
Vice-President Tim Massaro
Treasurer Aaron Albertson

KLUG Contributions to the Open Source Community

KLUG members are involved in the Open Source Community in a number of ways. Involvement inlcudes testing, submitting patches, submitting RPMs to Fedora Extras, and maintaining or administrating projects.

Some examples of projects to which KLUG members contributed can be found below.

Multilayer Multiconductor Transmission Line Modeling
GNU Eiffel Compiler


KLUG has been around formally since January 1999. It was in existance, informally, for a couple years before that.