Suggestions for future socials
If you like the idea, please let us know!
-New Years Eve party
-Intro to curling (this would have to be at least a half day trip to Owatonna)
-Canoe trip (this would have to be at least a half day trip to the Root River)
-Ice cream social
-Frisbee golf
-Whistle Binkies / Westfire / Beetles / other locations with adult beverages but still smoke free
-Movies, such as Deja Vu
-Discussion of experience of being an election judge, next time we meet someplace that's not too loud
-your suggestion here, please
Root River Canoe Trip
Our next social meeting will be Saturday September 9th, meeting in the RCTC east parking lot (the big one) at 11:15 am, or at the Little River General Store in Lanesboro at 12:30 pm. It will be a flatwater canoeing day trip on the Root River, bring your friends and bring your family!
Please sign up by Thursday at noon to indicate you're coming, and who you're bringing with you.
Name | # of canoe paddlers | # of canoe center sitters (small children) | #solo kayakers | # double kayakers | Carpooling as driver/passenger/either |
Tina Wood | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Yes, either |
your name here |
More information
I'm guessing that we'll want to catch the last shuttle of the day (we'll have to meet in Rochester 11:15 am for return at 6:30 pm. To catch the earlier shuttle we'd have to plan to meet in Rochester at ~9:15 am for return at 4:30 pm, or ~7:15 am for return at 2:30 pm). We'll meet at the Little River General Store to rent our canoes at 12:30 pm. Be aware that the drive time to Lanesboro is estimated at a full hour, by Mapquest. If there is a willingness to carpool, those people will meet at 11:15 am in the RCTC east parking lot. If anyone is going to lobby for an earlier departure/return time, lobby early and loudly.
The river portion of the trip is estimated to be ~4 hours. I recommend bringing a picnic lunch and beverage (save the alcohol for when you're not on the river, please). Also remember that what you carry in should be carried out, so bring a way to haul out your trash. The rental cost is $35 for 4-5.5 hours for a canoe, with additional charges for center-sitters 12 years or older. Solo kayak rentals are $30 for the same time, tandems are an extra $10. Tube rentals are not available. I'd estimate our return arrival time as approximately 6:30 pm, unless people wish to go out for dinner together in Lanesboro before heading back to Rochester. More rental details can be found at Little River General Store, and your Mapquest destination is 105 Coffee Street, Lanesboro.
Bring small enough change that you can work together with another paddler to share a canoe/kayak, if that's in your plans. I know this will be a bit more costly than most KLUG socials, with canoe rental + gas + food, but I'm looking forward to it. Submit your information here, or email it to Tina (who will post it for all to see). If there are <2 canoes (4 paddlers) worth of participants signed up by Thursday at noon, the trip will be cancelled. Thursday noon is the deadline because reservations must be made on Thursday. If we get lots signed up, I may be able to negotiate a group discount, we'll see. Email me if you have questions.
Recommended packing list
-sunscreen & sunglasses
-glasses guards
-picnic lunch
-garbage bag
-weather appropriate clothes
-FULL set of dry clothes for in the car afterwards
-$$ (in cash)
Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but ripples.