Suggestions for future socials
If you like the idea, please let us know!
- Sledding (but where? (judd hill and eastwood park are official sites in roch for sledding, stewartville has a sledding hill))
- Snowshoeing and/or cross country skiing at Quarry Hill. They also rent equipment. (Nerstrand Big Woods state park also has showshoes for rent)
- Paintball
- Mini golf
- Canoe trip (this would have to be at least a half day trip to the Root River)
- Ice cream social
- Kite flying
- Picnic
- Frisbee golf
- Walk
- Roadside or river litter cleanup
- Geocaching - perhaps we can borrow some devices and have several practice caches set up, or perhaps we can team up to find some more challenging targets. Probably also a multi-hour social.
- Orienteering event or practice field trip
- Snow tubing and/or skiing at Steeplechase (No good, Steeplechase is closed for 2007-2009 seasons)
- WWFM (World Wide Flash Mob), the next one is Saturday, May 2nd, 2009
- Goonies Comedy Club
- Bowling
- Whistle Binkies / Westfire / Beetles / Whisky Bones / other locations with adult beverages and now smoke free!
- pwned game center gaming night (did 12/08) or Area 51 Gaming
- Movies
- Discussion of experience of being an election judge, next time we meet someplace that's not too loud
- Board and card games. Some members are fans of Robo Rally and Munchkin
- Ice skating at the Rec Center, skate rentals available
- RC helicoptor/plane flying at the Rec Center. Tuesday nights, 7-10 pm. Bring your own UFO. Free.
- Rube Goldberg device, built out of whatever we brought. Include Diet Coke and Mentos?
- Potato guns!
- Baking geeky cookies
- Take an introductory archery session at Archery Headquarters
- Museum field trip: Bell Museum of Natural History in Minneapolis, Science Museum of Minnesota in St. Paul, Putnam Museum & IMAX Theatre in Davenport IA for the May 23 - Sept. 8, 2009 GPS Adventure exhibit. Details on what the exhibit would be like can be found here
- Leonardo's Basement has adult projects at Studio Bricolage (Jan topic was build a jacob's ladder and other high voltage projects )
- Your suggestion here, please (or email tina)