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K-LUG - Rochester, MN Area Linux Users Group
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We can use presentations for upcoming meetings, please see a list of ideas if you're willing but lacking a topic.
LUG News
K-LUG unofficial activities Google calendar
Technical Meeting: Thursday February 12th
Dennis DeLorme will present on Arduino. The usual place: RCTC's Heintz Center , Room HA107 , and time (6 pm).
Details on the Arduino Presentation
Arduino is an open source hardware and software project designed to make microcontrollers easy to use. It is based on the Atmel ATmega168, consisting of a defined hardware implementation with several form factors for different applications. The software development system is based on a C subset with predefined functions to take advantage of the hardware features. The intent is to provide an easy to use system for people to use in their creative endeavors - rather than worrying about low level details. See the homepage for more information.
Dennis DeLorme spent the majority of his career working on data base and file system implementation on the S/38, AS/400, and iSeries. Most recently he has been involved with the Roadrunner and Blue Gene supercomputing systems. For relaxation he enjoys the simplicity of working with microcontrollers. He has implemented a variety of projects using processors from Intel, Motorola, Microchip and now the Atmel AVR based Arduino.
Also on the agenda will be a mini-presentation by Jon Tollefson on syncing Google Calendar (where we've got Linux and social activities posted), which was originally scheduled for January but delayed due to a full agenda.
PCIG nominations
Social: February 13th, 6:30 pm
Make DVD episodes 1-4 will be shown at Tim M's house. Also available for viewing will be the Hackers R Peeps 2 video Kevin A brought us back from DefCon, and gaming for those who prefer it. Directions here. It'd be nice if some people brought snacks/beverages to contribute. If you have allergies, beware they do have pets.
Lunch: Thursday February 19th
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N. Look for a gaggle of gregarious geeks.
Planned Technical Meeting: Thursday March 12th
Mo Holahan will present on the programming language Processing. This is a good compliment to our February presentation on Arduino. Some kaleidoscope examples written in Processing: kaleidoscope and radicals. The usual place: RCTC's Heintz Center , Room HA107 , and time (6 pm).
Lunch: Thursday March 19th
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N. Look for a convocation of geeks.
Planned Social: March TBD
Ideas can be found here or invent your own. What would you like to do? Tell Tina.
We've had a request for Rube Goldberg device device construction (outside to allow for big messes with things like diet Coke and Mentos). If this works out, a day, time, and location will be posted.
Planned Technical Meeting: Thursday April 9th
Speaker needed. Ideas for presentations can be found here if you're willing to speak but need a source of inspiration.
This will possibly be our keyboard hardware project... More information eventually.
Lunch: Thursday April 16th
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N. Look for a convocation of geeks.
Planned Social: April TBD
Ideas can be found here or invent your own. What would you like to do? Tell Tina.
Upcoming Meeting Crisis!
Well, not really a crisis, but we do need some meeting topics (& speakers) for 2009. We'd like to know what you want to see and hear about. Please email Tina or Tim with suggestions for topics. Should we run some previous sessions again (maybe something you really wanted to see but missed out on)? What type of topics are good, what type are bad? Also don't forget, Speakers earn up to $40 as an incentive for their presentation! Also see this page for a list of suggested topics
Old News Items
See the OldNews page.