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=== Annual Holiday Party / Game Night:  Thursday December 10th ===
In the past our holiday party has occurred at Pwned (now closed), Area51, or as a LAN party.  This year we're having a board/card game night at Tina's house.  We'll play whatever you bring (zombies aka Last Night on Earth, Arkanam Horror, RoboRally, many versions of Munchkin, Fluxx and The Great Space Race have all made previous appearances).  There's also a Wii with 2 Wii controlers and 3 GameCube controlers, if you wanted to bring Wii/GameCube games and additional controllers.  We also need a couple people to bring folding tables and chairs, and some to bring snack foods/beverages.  Please RSVP using the wiki, including what you plan to bring.

-Tina (2) providing the house, the person with the Wii + 2 Wii controllers + 3 GameCube controllers.

-Aaron - games
=== Outside Social:  Friday August 30th ===

Disc golf! Meet outside the RCTC field house, 6 pm.  Here is [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=217033483939111930234.0004a3795f42da701ae0b&msa=0&ll=44.015742,-92.422206&spn=0.003541,0.006942&iwloc=0004a37962daae4746296 a map].

-Jon T (late)

-Will & Sue - diet pop

(Tim cancelled out)
=== Virtual Social: Thursday August 8th ===
6 pm

-Your name and stuff here
Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

=== Lunch: Thursday December 17th ===
=== Virtual Social: Thursday July 11th ===
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N.  Look for a flock of funny, fanciful, non-ficticious people.
6 pm

Meeting link removed.

=== Planned Social:  December TBD ===
Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.
Ideas can be found [http://www.k-lug.org/SocialMeeting here] or invent your own.  What would you like to do? Tell Tina.  

=== Outdoor Social:  Thursday June 27th, 11:45 am ===
Lunch at RochesterFest.  We'll be sitting at a picnic table on the far side of the tent from the music, to hopefully lower the decibel level enough to still talk.

Food trailers are supposed to be open by noon, 11:45 am will give us a little better chance at getting parking.

=== Social: Monday November 23rd ===
=== Virtual Social: Thursday June 13th ===
Walking to work off some of that holiday stress.  We'll leave Panera South (next door to HyVee, on Hwy 14) promptly at 6:30 pm and take the walking trail for ~3.5 miles along the river.  We'll be back no later than 8:30 pm, and those interested can socialize over a mug of Panera's hot chocolate afterwards.
6 pm

Meeting link removed

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

=== Lunch:  Thursday November 19th ===
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N.  Look for a multitude of miscreants.

=== Virtual Social: Thursday May 9th ===
6 pm

Meeting link removed

===  Annual Swap/Sale and Vintage Computer/Electronics Sale:  Thursday November 12th ===
Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.
==== RCTC Main Campus, [http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/buildingmaps.html East Hall (EA)] room [http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/easthall.html 103] ====
This location is larger than we'd previously been able to get (thanks Jose!), and it's near the parking lot entrance.  Set up at 6 pm, festivities begin at 6:30 pm.

Come if you want to Sell Stuff! <br>
Come if you want to show off Stuff! (prizes awarded for crowd favorites)<br>
Come if you want to Buy Stuff! (K-Lug Tee shirts available too)<br>
Come if you want to eat Stuff! (Pizza and Pop available for a donation)<br>

We need volunteers for creating advertising, putting up signs, running the recycling station, and of course everyone should bring their stuff to sell/swap.  <br>
=== Geocaching in-person social (outside), Friday May 3rd ===
We'll make use of volunteer labor to help you get your stuff in and out too, no worries.
6 pm

Park and walk in a neighborhood in NE Rochester.

<b>Job list - volunteers needed!</b><br>
Park near [https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC3WQ84 1 - Odin] on Whiting Lane NE's cul de sac.  We'll walk from there to a couple of other geocaches ([https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC57FGC 2], [https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC4RPZ2 3]), then back to #1, and then decide if we're walking or driving to [https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC8M3FP 4].
-Bring your stuff to sell/swap. Everyone.<br>
In previous years some of the folks higher priced stuff or a lot of stuff have pre-announced their "list of goodies" on the news group or our wiki...that might bring out more customers.

-Bring your stuff to show off in the Vintage Electronics show, and a “hat” if you want to submit an item for viewers choice award.  Everyone

-Come up with a Vintage Electronics viewers choice award, be in charge of distributing 1 ticket per customer, tally and award at end of night.  _____________

-Create an advertising sales flier that all the people responsible for posting can download and print.  Include who, when, where, and what (sale, swap, recycling, vintage, pizza, free CDs).  (done) Jon Gullixson, [http://www.k-lug.org/images/f/fa/Swapflyer_2009.pdf Here it is!]

-Print and show [http://www.k-lug.org/images/f/fa/Swapflyer_2009.pdf this Sale Flyer] to friends.  Everyone.
=== Litter Bit Better in-person social (outside), Tuesday April 30th ===
6:15 - 7:30 pm

-Bring your computer stuff that needs to go to the recycling ($0.30 per pound, rounded up to the nearest dollar for ease of making change).  Everyone.  
Back to our usual Cascade Lake Park.

-Help others bring their stuff to the room, down to their carsAaron Albertson
Bags provided.  You bring your own gloves, grabbers, and sense of civic dutyThere is shoreline.

-Help others bring their stuff down to their cars afterwards. Pat Spinler
As usual we are teaming up with the [https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GCAMJX2 geocachers] to avoid being overwhelmed by garbage.

-Bring a bathroom scale that's accurate at low weight ranges, so we can figure out the appropriate recycling fee to charge.  Mo Holahan

-Man the recycling area, do the weighing, cost figuring, and providing of change.  Brent V

-Bring your truck and be willing to take a load to the recycling during the recycling center's open hours (Mondays-Saturdays, 8-5). Brent V
=== Virtual Social: Thursday April 11th ===
Come hang out virtually with your favorite geeks, and share what you've been up to or found interesting.

-Coordinate the pizza fundraiser, buy pizza and pop plus bring paper plates and disposable cups in quantities sufficient for those who show up. Will be reimbursed out of the profits from the fundraiser (charge is a donation).  Pizza supply list, from 2008 results: pizza (4), pop (4 2L), paper plates, napkins, plastic cups, ice. We had ~1/2 a pizza and ~2L worth of pop left over in 2008, but we broke even on the donations, so we were good. The "fancier" pizza flavors were the faster movers, such as supreme went much faster than cheese. And root beer and Mt Dew went much faster than Sprite. Set up a sign indicating that the pizza and pop are in this part of the room, that's it's for donation. Also label a cup as the donation collection container.  Steve Severson will bring the pizza,  Mo Holahan will handle the pop, ice, and cups.
6 pm

-Making some (Ubuntu?) CDs to give away (5?). - Steve Severson
Meeting link [https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74567357951?pwd=nQjQHcz7eKjaZ5YaHS2UGrat5UVUCv.1 here].

-Get a location - Tina W
Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

-Posting. Volunteers are needed to post [http://www.k-lug.org/images/f/fa/Swapflyer_2009.pdf the flier] to many locations. Please sign up to be the poster for the following (suggestions welcome): <br>
-KLUG mailing list and wiki (done) - Tina W<br>
-IBM Calendar - (done) Tim M<br>
-IBM Social Blue- (done) Tim M <br>
-Ham Radio Club  (done) Tim M <br>
-PCIG Website -(done) Tim M<br>
-Mayo classifieds  _____________<br>
-Craigslist, Think Bank  _____________<br>
-Rochester Freecycle (limited to free pick-up of non-swapped items headed for recycling at the end of the swap) - (this probably won't get done due to posting requirements)  _____________<br>
-UCR bulletin boards - in hard copy  _____________<br>
-RCTC bulletin boards - in hard copy, bring your own push pins  _____________<br>
-IBM Building 107 - post hard copy - Steve Severson<br>
-IBM White Building(664) - post hard copy _____________<br>
-Other IBM buildings - post hard copy  _____________<br>
-Venture Computer - send email of flyer, request posting - Steve Severson<br>
-NorLug?  _____________<br>
-Area 51?  _____________<br>
-Computer Liquidator on 2nd street?  _____________<br>
-Other places/ways to advertise? Public access? Would we qualify for free advertising on the radio, newspaper, etc?<br>
-Wherever else you can think of.  _____________<br>

-Create illegal wayfinding “Tonight!” signs for posting at UCR on the evening of.  ("Tonight!" with arrows in appropriate directions, highlighting of what the event is and the room number, advertise the free linux CDs on our signs, etc) ________________

-Arrive at UCR at 5:45 pm, post illegal wayfinding signs on all entry doors, nearby directional corners, and on the room door. Bring masking tape. Also responsible for taking down at the end of the night. Find a door stop so we can prop the room door open. The masking tape and a pen are also useful for posting a sign above the pizza/pop, saying it's available for donation. And for putting a label on a cup as being the donation collection container.  _____________
=== Virtual Technical Meeting: To be rescheduled ===
Acu Dorin will present on opensource AI software and an effort he and some other folks have made to create a private version of a chatGPT like AI interface

-Arrive at UCR before 6 pm, write welcome message on the chalk board, also list upcoming KLUG events and dates, K-LUG website address  _____________

-People could list what they haven't sold and haven't tossed, post-swap.  http://www.k-lug.org/ForSaleorWanted .  _____________

-After it seemed like everyone was there and set up, we went around the room and let each seller advertise their highlights and freebies. Let buyers have a chance to ask if anyone had something in particular that hadn't been mentioned. Advertised the recycling, and the food.
=== Outside Social: Friday March 22nd, 6 pm ===

=== Post meeting wrap-up ===
Geocaching!  The March equinox is an excuse to [https://www.geocaching.com/blog/2024/03/celebrating-the-march-equinox/ find 3 geocaches during the week of the equinox].  If you've never geocached before, this is a great time to join us.  Wear your hiking shoes, long sturdy pants, and otherwise dress for the weather.

Last night:
We will chase 3 multi-caches that start to the east and north of St Marys Hospital

-we ended up in room EA 119 at the last minute, that room worked just fine too. Tim and Brent posted signs to help direct people where they needed to go.
If we have any DNF's, first choice replacement will be:

-we had several people bring things to sell/swap, and very little (1 item?) to show.  Without Joel we had to entertain ourselves with the sound of our own voices.  There was plenty of table space.
I skimmed through the logs, and none of our regulars seem to have found these, so hopefully everyone will qualify for the achievement.

-Just after 6:30 pm I gave a run down of what was available and then we went around the room, people who had items they wanted to talk about (showing, selling, hoping to buy) got to mention them.
There is a limited quantity of 2 hour parking in St. Marys Park proper.  However, the neighborhood parking permit restriction opens back up starting at 5:30, so by starting at 6 pm you should be able to park on the street (and not be competing with employees for spots) for the duration of our explorations.

-Mo brought 5 2L bottles of pop, cups, and ice.  For future reference, the ice didn't get used nearly so much this year, and 4 2L would have been enough.  Steve S brought 4 pizzas, of which there were only ~2 slices left (cheese) at the end of the night.  Donations were less forthcoming however, and we failed to break even even with Tux sitting next to the donation container.

-The Ubuntu CD's didn't seem very popular, maybe this is due to most people having increased bandwidth available compared to several years ago?
=== Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday March 14th ===
Speaker cancelled due to illness, will reschedule.

-Nobody voted for a viewers choice show item, so we didn't have to worry about tallying votes or giving out a prize.
Tim Massaro will come to our rescue, and will present on his Partyrock/Blackrock hackathon project, as well as brainstorming some future socials.

-Tim sold at least one more K-LUG branded item.
6 pm

-Mo brought a nice scale, and Brent did brisk business manning the recycling station.  I'm not sure what the total was, but we helped Brent haul several loads worth of plastic, metal, and electronics out to his truck at the end of the night.
Meeting link removed.

-I don't have a great estimate for the number of people who stopped in last night, but I'd guess around 40.  Most people stayed for more than one brisk walk around the tables, looking around and talking to people.  One gentleman specifically mentioned he found out about this event on the IBM calendar, and another from Craigslist.
Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

The general impression I got from talking to people was that the event was enjoyable, even if they only managed to get rid of a power supply or two.  Please let me know if you have specific feedback on what was good about this event and/or how we should consider improving it.  Thanks to everyone for their work getting a room, creating a flier, posting the fliers, recycling, feeding/eating, showing/selling/swapping/buying, cleaning everything up afterwards, and anything else I forgot to mention.

=== Outside Social:  Saturday February 24th ===

It's supposed to be dry all week, there's no snow to fight with, the disc golf holes are present, and Saturday's forecast is for sunshine and a high of 46.  So let's play disc golf!

=== Socials:  October 24th and 28th===
Meet outside the RCTC field house, 2 pm.  Here is [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=217033483939111930234.0004a3795f42da701ae0b&msa=0&ll=44.015742,-92.422206&spn=0.003541,0.006942&iwloc=0004a37962daae4746296 a map].
Chris Abbey is leading two photowalks.  The nature/fall colors photowalk will be at Quarry Hill on Saturday October 24th, 2 pm.  The architecture photowalk will be downtown on Wednesday October 28th, 11:30 am. For either/both, please RSVP off-list to Chris.

More details about Saturday: <br>
It's looking like we'll hit a
good 75-80% color by then, plus there's a chance for fresh snow the night
before. We'll meet at the 9th St NE entrance to Quarry Hill Park. Hopefully no
one will have the picnic pavilion reserved and we can meet up there. If not
we'll be at sign post 17. Plan is we'll probably chat for 10 to 15 minutes then
take off along the following sequence of sign posts:  17, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11,
10, 7, 6, 3. There are a couple  of variations along there, from 10 to 6 there
are two ways to go, and after 6 there's a loop tht can be taken that will bring
you back to the same point, but take you to a scenic overlook along the way.
That will get us pretty much to the  end of the wooded trails. From there you
can take the most direct route back to where we started via points 5, 24/23, 18.
Which will take you through both the pond/marsh and prairie areas... OR you can
take a less direct route through the mine via 2, 4, 28, insanity, 21, 20, 18. If
we time it right and we're heading out near sunset, the view from the scenic
point between 25 and 27 should be stellar. I've been wanting to shoot the sunset
from there for a while, and might take advantage of it. (After climbing up the
hill from point 28, bear RIGHT when you hit the mine wall and bear right at all
trail forks until you hit the end.) Weather forecast is for highs in the 40s
Saturday, so expect it to be brisk. it looks to be about 2 miles. Post walk
social gathering somewhere with hot chocolate, coffee, and/or soup I think. We
can figure it out while we walk. Maybe great harvest?  RSVP.

[http://www.qhnc.org/documents/SummerTrailMap.pdf Map to make sense of all those numbers]
=== Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday February 8th ===
Aaron Albertson will present a wrap up of this season's volunteer work with student robotics.

Bad weather makeup will be 24 hours later, 2pm Sunday.
6 pm

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

More details about Wednesday:<br>
DOWNTOWN/URBAN WALK: Wednesday October 28, 11:30am? Meet up in the foyer of the
mall/university/shoppes formerly known as the galleria mall. I'm thinking around
the area of where Z Pizza is... the chairs near the stairs coming down from the
U of M (Why? because I plan to be there at about 11am to have a couple slices
for lunch before heading off on this excursion. Feel free to join me.) Again
we'll meet up and chat for a few minutes then head out. Rough route would be: S
on Broadway to 3rd St S, W on 3rd to 1st ave, N on 1st ave to 2nd St, W on 2nd
to 2nd Ave, N on 2nd ave to 1st St, E on 1st st (through pease plaza) back to
where we started. An alternate, longer route if folks want to is to keep going W
on 2nd down to 3rd or 4th Ave, then take either of them N to Center and come
back S on 2nd to the entrance to peace plaza. If you're looking for buildings,
this might get you more of the older ones. This route gives us a nice mix of
buildings and architecture, plus people heading out for lunch and errands.
Hopefully the weather will be nice enough for some folks to eat lunch in the
plaza. I'm trying to hold this one to a shorter timeframe so folks can get away
with a "long lunch" and participate... don't feel you have to stick around to
the end, if you want to break off part way through and head back to work, go for it.  RSVP.

Bad weather makeup will be TBD. Maybe 24 hours later on Thursday... have to play
=== Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday January 11th, 2024 ===
this one by ear.
Aaron Albertson will present a wrap up of this season's volunteer work with student robotics.

6 pm

And KLUG officer elections.

=== Lunch:  Thursday October 15th ===
Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let Tina know.
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N.  Look for a swarm of smartypants.

=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday October 8th ===
Jean Barmash has volunteered to speak on Grails, and has provded the following description and bio.

Grails - High Productivity Web Framework for the Java Platform.

Grails in a high-productivity framework that espouses convention over
configuration and takes a lot of good ideas from Ruby on Rails
framework.  It is based on Groovy Language, a dynamic language
designed for easy integration with Java (Groovy is a super-set of
Java). Grails is a high-productivity framework by following the
"coding by convention" paradigm, providing a stand-alone development
environment and hiding much of the configuration detail from the
developer. Grails is built on top of proven Java frameworks such as
Spring and Hibernate.  In November 2008, G2One, the company behind
Groovy and Grails, was aqcuired by SpringSource, which in turn was
acquired by VMWare just a few weeks ago.  (For more, see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grails_(framework) ).

In this presentation, you will get a brief overview of Groovy's
capabilities, and then we'll learn about the key concepts behind
Grails, and its plugin system, and how it can be used to rapidly
prototype applications, and how it enables you to be much more
productive programming web applications.
Jean Barmash is the CTO of EnergyScoreCards, a startup company that
helps benchmark energy efficiency of multi-family buildings, where he
is responsible for architecture and implementation of the SaaS
software using the Grails framework.  To his role, Jean brings a
wealth of experience in different areas of technology creation.  Most
recently, he was Director of Technical Services at Alfresco Software,
the Open Source Enterprise Content Management Company, where his
responsibilities included architecture and hands-on development of
content centric solutions, training, and working with open source
community.  He also worked as Sr. Consultant and Trainer at several
Wall Street Firms. Well-versed in both .NET and Java, he is interested
in the innovation going on in Web 2.0 and bringing it into the
Enterprise. He is a frequent speaker on technology and architecture
topics at various user groups and industry conferences such as
Software Development Practices, Enterprise 2.0, Atlanta DevNexus, and
[http://www.k-lug.org/images/c/c0/2009OctKLUG-GroovyGrails.pdf Here are the slides] from Jean's presentation, PDF format.
=== Lunch:  Thursday September 17th ===
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N.  Look for a gathering of geeks.
=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday September 10th ===
Jon Tollefson will present an intro to iPhone app development.
-6 pm
-RCTC Heintz Center
[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1926+Collegeview+Drive+SE+rochester+mn&sll=37.579413,-95.712891&sspn=45.737719,81.474609&ie=UTF8&ll=44.021613,-92.436712&spn=0.010261,0.019891&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=44.021616,-92.436401&panoid=pTbcB32U7NSRGSiOSvVwZg&cbp=12,179.42,,0,5  1926 Collegeview Drive SE - Googlemaps link]
Room HA107 or there abouts.
[http://www.roch.edu/html-spectrum/getting_to_ucr.html  Directions to Campus]
[http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/heintzA.html  Heintz Center Building Map]
=== Social:  Geocaching canoe trip, August 22nd ===
The social this month is a canoeing/kayaking geocaching event.  Yes, I'm again
piggybacking off activities organized by other people.  You can paddle,
or paddle+geocache, but you can't just geocache.  Follow the link for the [http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=GC1VKY1 event details.]  It's a
most of the day affair up in Cannon Falls.
=== Lunch:  Thursday August 20th ===
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N.  Look for a gathering of geeks.
=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday August 13th Demo of Windows 7 ===
-> '''When:''' Thursday August 13th
-> 6pm - 7:30pm
-> '''Where:'''RCTC Heintz Center
[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1926+Collegeview+Drive+SE+rochester+mn&sll=37.579413,-95.712891&sspn=45.737719,81.474609&ie=UTF8&ll=44.021613,-92.436712&spn=0.010261,0.019891&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=44.021616,-92.436401&panoid=pTbcB32U7NSRGSiOSvVwZg&cbp=12,179.42,,0,5  1926 Collegeview Drive SE - Googlemaps link]
Room HA107
[http://www.roch.edu/html-spectrum/getting_to_ucr.html  Directions to Campus]
[http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/heintzA.html  Heintz Center Building Map]
Microsoft has Windows 7 Betas available for free download and the product will be delivered in Oct 2009. So we thought it was high time the PC Club condense all the hype down and take a look at what is new. Bill Hanson and Tim Massaro will give an intro to Windows 7 and demo some of the features.
=== Social:  Free comedy show, Wednesday July 29th, 7 pm ===
We're going to a free comedy show, it starts at 7 pm in the Peace Plaza.  Several other activities going on down there that evening (4:30 pm Music by Royal T, 6:30-8 pm Vikings Cheerleaders, 7 pm Comedians [http://www.bobzany.com Bob Zany], Scott Hansen, and Jeff Gerbino), details on the [http://www.rtautismawareness.org/calendar/2009-07-29.php Autism Awareness website].
[http://www.k-lug.org/images/f/f5/Comedy.pdf Add for Comedy Nite ]
=== Lunch:  Thursday July 16th ===
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N.  Look for a gathering of geeks.
=== Technical Meeting: Thursday July 9th Demo of Socialbrowse by Zack Garbo ===
'''When:''' Thursday July 9th, 6pm - 7:30pm
[http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/heintzA.html Heintz Center Building Map]
Socialbrowse was conceived by co-founders Zachary Garbow and David Fowler as part of Silicon Valley's Y Combinator startup program. Socialbrowse aims to change the “static, individual” experience of browsing the Web into a more social and dynamic one. The first version of the product allows people who use the Firefox browser to install a program that creates a real-time sidebar of links and comments shared by their friends. After recently closing a seed stage round of funding, they will soon be launching an ambitious new version of Socialbrowse that serves as a platform for social browsing applications, which run on any web browser without any installation.
Zachary will provide a sneak peek of this new version, currently under development. He'll demonstrate how anyone can develop and deploy custom collaborative applications quickly and easily using the next generation of http://Socialbrowse.com
=== Lunch: Thursday June 18th ===
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N. Look for a convocation of geeks.
=== Technical Meeting: Thursday June 11th Tour of the Digital and Analog Projection Booth's at Wehrenberg Theaters ===
-> When: Thursday June 11th
-> 6pm - 7pm
-> Where:Wehrenberg Theaters Rochester <- Note, not our normal meeting location
K-LUG has an "in" at the local Wehrenberg theater and a few members attended an impromptu tour of the projection booth there a few weeks ago. It was so much fun we've decided to offer it for everyone this month as our main meeting topic. Let's meet at 6PM in the "drive-in" feature of the lobby. The tour will take 30mins to an hour. After the tour people can choose to stay and watch a movie or not. We are recommending the group attend the new animated 3D movie Up which is getting great reviews and is rated PG.
Other movies available too...see their website here http://www.wehrenberg.com/theatres.aspx#6
Prices are as follows. ADULT Price: $10.50 /ticket
CHILD Price: $7.50 /ticket
SENIOR (over 60) Price: $8.50 /ticket
We'd like to let the theater know how many people to expect, so please email Tina if you plan to attend.
=== Lunch:  Thursday May 21st ===
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N.  Look for a convocation of geeks.
=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday May 21st ===
A field trip to see this year's Studio Academy FIRST Robotics League robot, we'll be at Studio Academy for their presentation, 6 pm.
Studio Academy is located at
415 16th St SW, Rochester, MN 55902
Our meeting and demo will be in the auditorium.
=== In town social:  Thursday May 14th ===
Since we aren't having a technical meeting on our regular night, come socialize with your favorite geeks.  We're going to see the new Star Trek movie!  Exact time, theater, and screen size yet TBD.
=== In Town Social:  Wednesday April 22nd, 2009 ===
6:30 pm at Quarry Hill, park and roadside cleanup.  We have areas #127 and #140 on [http://rneighbors.org/files/NEFinal.pdf this map].  I'm coordinating us with another group of people that tends to overlap, so all of the details can be found [http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?wp=gc1ptcf here].  Bring your own gloves; bags and disposal will be provided because we're doing this as part of Rochester's [http://rneighbors.org/about_litter_bit_better Litter Bit Better] campaign.  Headcounts to Tina would be appreciated.
=== Lunch:  Thursday April 16th, 2009 ===
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N.  I hope we're not like crows, a murder of geeks doesn't sound very good.
=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday April 9th, 2009 ===
Mike Bleimeyer, aircrack-ng and Kismet demonstration.  Usual place and time, 6 pm at [http://www.roch.edu/html-spectrum/getting_to_ucr.html RCTC's Heintz Center] room [http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/heintzA.html HA107].
=== Out of town Social:  Saturday April 4th, 8 am, 2009 ===
A field trip to the Cities to watch the FIRST Robotics League [http://www.mnfirstregional.org/index.html Regional competition].  Carpools will depart at 8 am, see the [http://www.k-lug.org/SocialMeeting Social page] for more details and to sign up.  More info from the [ PB].
=== Games mailing list ===
We've started a new mailing list for people who are interested in (non-video) gaming. Currently we've been playing Munchkin and RoboRally. See the [http://lists.k-lug.org/mailman/listinfo/games link] in the site navigation menu to join the mailing list if you're interested in joining us.
=== Want a K-Lug Shirt? ===
Our first batch of shirts came out rather nice, especially for the price. We have folk who didn't get in on the first order. Please [http://www.queensboro.com/closeouts browse the deals here], and  contact Tim if interested. (We need a minimum order of 4)
We can now order screen printed tees from this company as well
=== Lunch:  Thursday March 19th, 2009 ===
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N.  Look for a convocation of geeks.
=== Social:  Tuesday March 17th, 2009 ===
We're celebrating Irish Heritage Day with potatoes, specifically potato guns!  We'll also be constructing a Rube Goldberg device (including things like diet Coke and Mentos).  People need to bring a contribution to make this social a success, more details and sign ups on the [http://www.k-lug.org/SocialMeeting Social page].
=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday March 12th, 2009 ===
Mo Holahan will present Processing an Image Processing Programming language and development environment. 
Location: The usual place: RCTC's [http://www.roch.edu/html-spectrum/getting_to_ucr.html Heintz Center] , [http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/heintzA.html Room HA107] , and time (6 pm).
'''Details on the Processing Presentation'''
Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. It is used by students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists for learning, prototyping, and production. It is created to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context and to serve as a software sketchbook and professional production tool. Processing is also used in connection with Arduino (which was the subject of our Feb meeting)
We'll also be celebrating Pi day a little early.
=== Lunch:  Thursday February 19th, 2009 ===
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N.  Look for a gaggle of gregarious geeks.
=== Social:  February 13th, 2009 6:30 pm ===
Make DVD episodes 1-4 will be shown at Tim M's house.  Also available for viewing will be the Hackers R Peeps 2 video Kevin A brought us back from DefCon, and gaming for those who prefer it.  Directions [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=116951360347447065495.00043977759b79d1e4f44&t=h&z=12 here].  It'd be nice if some people brought snacks/beverages to contribute.  If you have allergies, beware they do have pets.
=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday February 12th, 2009 ===
Dennis DeLorme will present on [http://www.arduino.cc/ Arduino].  The usual place: RCTC's [http://www.roch.edu/html-spectrum/getting_to_ucr.html Heintz Center] , [http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/heintzA.html Room HA107] , and time (6 pm).
'''Details on the Arduino Presentation'''
Arduino is an open source hardware and software project designed to make microcontrollers easy to use. It is based on the Atmel ATmega168, consisting of a defined hardware implementation with several form factors for different applications. The software development system is based on a C subset with predefined functions to take advantage of the hardware features. The intent is to provide an easy to use system for people to use in their creative endeavors - rather than worrying about low level details. See the http://www.arduino.cc homepage for more information.
Dennis DeLorme spent the majority of his career working on data base and file system implementation on the S/38, AS/400, and iSeries. Most recently he has been involved with the Roadrunner and Blue Gene supercomputing systems. For relaxation he enjoys the simplicity of working with microcontrollers. He has implemented a variety of projects using processors from Intel, Motorola, Microchip and now the Atmel AVR based Arduino.
Also on the agenda will be a mini-presentation by Jon Tollefson on syncing Google Calendar (where we've got Linux and social activities posted), which was originally scheduled for January but delayed due to a full agenda.
PCIG nominations
=== Social:  Saturday January 17th, 2009 ===
You are invited to a gaming afternoon and potluck dinner at Tina's on Saturday January 17th.  2 pm gaming, with dinner at approximately 6 pm, feel free to join us for either or both.  We'll play some [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munchkin_(card_game) Munchkin Bites], and have a garlic-laden dinner.  RSVP.
=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday January 15th, 2009 Hardcore computers ===
Daren Klum, president of Rochester based, Hardcore Computers will demonstrate their "Reactor" liquid cooled personal computers (that's right, think Cray 2)<br>
An intro to the Reactor:
Every computer you've ever used has been limited by heat—until now. First-of-its-kind submersion technology allows for the maximum, most reliable and most sustainable component over-clocking.  Submersion cooling provides benefits such as maximum performance, a superior gaming experience and extended service life
Mini-presentation by Ben Joslin and some students from Studio Academy on the FIRST Robotics League, in hopes of recruiting some of us as volunteers and mentors.  They'll show the video of the 2009 game, show what parts they have to work with and what they have built so far.<br>
Mini-presentation by Jon Tollefson on syncing Google Calendar (where we've got Linux and social activities posted).  (held over until a future meeting due to a full agenda)
Also, '''elections'''
The usual place: RCTC's [http://www.roch.edu/html-spectrum/getting_to_ucr.html Heintz Center] , [http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/heintzA.html Room HA107] , 6 pm.
=== Lunch:  Thursday January 15th, 2009 ===
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N.  Just for Steve F we'll sit right near the main door and hope it's -20 ;)  (It ended up being wind chills of -50 below that day, just in case anyone was curious)

=== Older News ===
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Latest revision as of 17:52, 4 September 2024

Outside Social: Friday August 30th

Disc golf! Meet outside the RCTC field house, 6 pm. Here is a map.

Virtual Social: Thursday August 8th

6 pm

Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Virtual Social: Thursday July 11th

6 pm

Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Outdoor Social: Thursday June 27th, 11:45 am

Lunch at RochesterFest. We'll be sitting at a picnic table on the far side of the tent from the music, to hopefully lower the decibel level enough to still talk.

Food trailers are supposed to be open by noon, 11:45 am will give us a little better chance at getting parking.

Virtual Social: Thursday June 13th

6 pm

Meeting link removed

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Virtual Social: Thursday May 9th

6 pm

Meeting link removed

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Geocaching in-person social (outside), Friday May 3rd

6 pm

Park and walk in a neighborhood in NE Rochester.

Park near 1 - Odin on Whiting Lane NE's cul de sac. We'll walk from there to a couple of other geocaches (2, 3), then back to #1, and then decide if we're walking or driving to 4.

Litter Bit Better in-person social (outside), Tuesday April 30th

6:15 - 7:30 pm

Back to our usual Cascade Lake Park.

Bags provided. You bring your own gloves, grabbers, and sense of civic duty. There is shoreline.

As usual we are teaming up with the geocachers to avoid being overwhelmed by garbage.

Virtual Social: Thursday April 11th

Come hang out virtually with your favorite geeks, and share what you've been up to or found interesting.

6 pm

Meeting link here.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Virtual Technical Meeting: To be rescheduled

Acu Dorin will present on opensource AI software and an effort he and some other folks have made to create a private version of a chatGPT like AI interface

Outside Social: Friday March 22nd, 6 pm

Geocaching! The March equinox is an excuse to find 3 geocaches during the week of the equinox. If you've never geocached before, this is a great time to join us. Wear your hiking shoes, long sturdy pants, and otherwise dress for the weather.

We will chase 3 multi-caches that start to the east and north of St Marys Hospital https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC6G6R5 https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5XDH0 https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5XEQV

If we have any DNF's, first choice replacement will be: https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC56K4K

I skimmed through the logs, and none of our regulars seem to have found these, so hopefully everyone will qualify for the achievement.

Parking: There is a limited quantity of 2 hour parking in St. Marys Park proper. However, the neighborhood parking permit restriction opens back up starting at 5:30, so by starting at 6 pm you should be able to park on the street (and not be competing with employees for spots) for the duration of our explorations.

Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday March 14th

Speaker cancelled due to illness, will reschedule.

Tim Massaro will come to our rescue, and will present on his Partyrock/Blackrock hackathon project, as well as brainstorming some future socials.

6 pm

Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Outside Social: Saturday February 24th

It's supposed to be dry all week, there's no snow to fight with, the disc golf holes are present, and Saturday's forecast is for sunshine and a high of 46. So let's play disc golf!

Meet outside the RCTC field house, 2 pm. Here is a map.

Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday February 8th

Aaron Albertson will present a wrap up of this season's volunteer work with student robotics.

6 pm

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday January 11th, 2024

Aaron Albertson will present a wrap up of this season's volunteer work with student robotics.

6 pm

And KLUG officer elections.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let Tina know.

Older News


Content from our old website can be accessed here.