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=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday July 12th===
Robert Nix will present on Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer...very low cost $25 or $35,
HD output, USB connections or keyboard.  GPIO input...We'll have a
couple systems on hand to demo and inspect (Debian and XBMC).
See more at  http://www.raspberrypi.org or see it in person Thursday!

6 pm, RCTC Heintz Center's HA107.
=== Outside Social:  Friday August 30th ===

[http://www.roch.edu/html-spectrum/getting_to_ucr.html  Directions to Campus]
Disc golf! Meet outside the RCTC field house, 6 pm.  Here is [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=217033483939111930234.0004a3795f42da701ae0b&msa=0&ll=44.015742,-92.422206&spn=0.003541,0.006942&iwloc=0004a37962daae4746296 a map].

[http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/heintzA.html  Heintz Center Building Map]

And here are Robert's [http://www.rpural.net/The%20Raspberry%20Pi%20-%207-12-2012.pdf slides]
=== Virtual Social: Thursday August 8th ===
6 pm

Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

=== Lunch:  Thursday June 21st ===
11:30 am, Apache Mall food court, near B&N.

=== Virtual Social: Thursday July 11th ===
6 pm

=== Planned Technical Meeting:  June TBD ===
Meeting link removed.
<strike> Speaker needed, please let Tim or Tina know if you're willing to volunteer. Willing to present but want to know what people have expressed interest in? Check out our [http://www.k-lug.org/index.php?title=Meetings&action=submit#Requested_topics_list requested topics] page. </strike>

No presenter stepped forward, so we'll have a social instead.
Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

=== Social:  Thursday June 15th ===
Replacing our speakerless technical meeting with a social.  Standard day and time (Thursday June 15th, 6 pm), at Skyline Raceway for miniature golf.  $5/person, cash only.  They also have gokarts and "panning".

=== Outdoor Social:  Thursday June 27th, 11:45 am ===
Lunch at RochesterFest.  We'll be sitting at a picnic table on the far side of the tent from the music, to hopefully lower the decibel level enough to still talk.

Food trailers are supposed to be open by noon, 11:45 am will give us a little better chance at getting parking.

=== Lunch:  Thursday May 17th ===
11:30 am, Apache Mall food court, near B&N.

=== Virtual Social: Thursday June 13th ===
6 pm

Meeting link removed

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday May 10th ===
Acu Ilie Dorin will return with a presentation on Bioinformatics.

6 pm, RCTC Heintz Center's HA107.
=== Virtual Social: Thursday May 9th ===
6 pm

[http://www.roch.edu/html-spectrum/getting_to_ucr.html  Directions to Campus]
Meeting link removed

[http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/heintzA.html  Heintz Center Building Map]
Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Acu provided this summary.

Title:  Open Source Based Applied Bioinformatics
=== Geocaching in-person social (outside), Friday May 3rd ===
6 pm

Presenter: Acu Ilie Dorin Ph.D.
Park and walk in a neighborhood in NE Rochester.

Park near [https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC3WQ84 1 - Odin] on Whiting Lane NE's cul de sac.  We'll walk from there to a couple of other geocaches ([https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC57FGC 2], [https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC4RPZ2 3]), then back to #1, and then decide if we're walking or driving to [https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC8M3FP 4].

Aproximately two hundred billion cells divide daily to ensure tissue replacemet and turnover essential for our health and longevity. The division and function of each of ~ 6 X10^13 cells that make our body, are carefully and tightly regulated through intricate and redundant signaling networking. However, due to inherent genetic and/or environmental factors, the basal rate of biochemical and cellular aberations increases, and leads to aging, disease and death.
Today's clinical practice and biomedical research  generates unprecedented amount of potential valuable data, to be used in discovery, innovation or  medicine.  Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field whereby biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics and statistics are integrated with the sole purpose to bring rhyme, reason, meaning and functional context to the newly generated data, which can then be integrated into models and practice for an optimal life style or personalized medicine.

Using Debian GNU/Linux as main operating system, I am going to present a brief practical overview of few major Open Source bioinformatics applications such as EMBOSS (European Molecular Biology Open Source Software - in-silico gene and protein processing, MEV (microarray gene profiling), ImageJ quantification and analysis of 2 and 3D images) and
Pymol: biomolecular crystal structure analysis(Pymol) and others.
For more informations you can visit 

=== Litter Bit Better in-person social (outside), Tuesday April 30th ===
6:15 - 7:30 pm

Back to our usual Cascade Lake Park.

=== Social: Sunday May 6th ===
Bags provided. You bring your own gloves, grabbers, and sense of civic duty.  There is shoreline.
Kites + Rockets

1 pm at the Century High School field, on the north side of the building. Bring your rockets and your kites, your family and friends. Kevin Arhleger has volunteered to be our Launch Master again.  Rockets if it's not windy, kites if it is, last year we managed to skirt the line and do both.
As usual we are teaming up with the [https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GCAMJX2 geocachers] to avoid being overwhelmed by garbage.

Details from the Launch Master:

Rain, tornado warnings, acts of god (frogs, locusts, etc.) are all cause for cancellation.
=== Virtual Social: Thursday April 11th ===
Come hang out virtually with your favorite geeks, and share what you've been up to or found interesting.

I'll play it by ear for rockets, if the wind speed is above 15mph our field won't be big enough.
6 pm

Meeting link [https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74567357951?pwd=nQjQHcz7eKjaZ5YaHS2UGrat5UVUCv.1 here].

If you have a rocket make sure to have:
Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

- rocket engine, smaller is better--our biggest launch took half a mile to come down I recommend A and B engines if you want your rocket back

- igniter

- wadding, most engine packs come with it (look for the ones that do)--this helps prevent your parachute cord from melting mid flight
=== Virtual Technical Meeting: To be rescheduled ===
Acu Dorin will present on opensource AI software and an effort he and some other folks have made to create a private version of a chatGPT like AI interface

- Hobby Lobby sells rockets (kits and complete rockets) as well as engines.

- Everything Hobby has a wider selection of engines as well as igniters and wadding if you have old engines you would like to use.
=== Outside Social:  Friday March 22nd, 6 pm ===

Geocaching!  The March equinox is an excuse to [https://www.geocaching.com/blog/2024/03/celebrating-the-march-equinox/ find 3 geocaches during the week of the equinox].  If you've never geocached before, this is a great time to join us.  Wear your hiking shoes, long sturdy pants, and otherwise dress for the weather.

We will chase 3 multi-caches that start to the east and north of St Marys Hospital

If we have any DNF's, first choice replacement will be:

I skimmed through the logs, and none of our regulars seem to have found these, so hopefully everyone will qualify for the achievement.

=== Social: Thursday April 26th ===
Disc golf! 6 pm at RCTCIf you don't have your own disc that's fine, come out anyway.  Don't know where to meet?  Here's a [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=217033483939111930234.0004a3795f42da701ae0b&msa=0&ll=44.015742,-92.422206&spn=0.003541,0.006942&iwloc=0004a37962daae4746296 map].
There is a limited quantity of 2 hour parking in St. Marys Park properHowever, the neighborhood parking permit restriction opens back up starting at 5:30, so by starting at 6 pm you should be able to park on the street (and not be competing with employees for spots) for the duration of our explorations.

=== Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday March 14th ===
Speaker cancelled due to illness, will reschedule.

=== Lunch:  Thursday April 19th ===
Tim Massaro will come to our rescue, and will present on his Partyrock/Blackrock hackathon project, as well as brainstorming some future socials.
11:30 am, Apache Mall food court, near B&N.

6 pm

Meeting link removed.

=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday April 12th ===
Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.
Tim Massaro will present on 3D printing.

"Fun with 3D Printing, Shapeways.com

Remember the replicator from Star Trek where personnel could press a button and out would pop food, spare starship parts or other everyday objects? Well technology is not ready yet to allow us to manipulate molecular structure at this level, but 3D Printing is the next best thing. 3D printing involves using a machine that looks like a proprinter on steroids, the machine takes a design file and through an additive process builds a three dimensional object. 3D printing is now accessible enough so that nearly anyone can design a 3D object using drawing software such as Google Sketchup, upload the design to a site like Shapeways.com, submit credit card information and receive a physical 3D copy of their design in the mail. I know because I recently took the time to do just that. This month, come learn a bit about 3D printing and have a look at my first creation, a Caesar Cipher Decoder Ring."

=== Outside Social:  Saturday February 24th ===

6 pm, RCTC Heintz Center's HA107.
It's supposed to be dry all week, there's no snow to fight with, the disc golf holes are present, and Saturday's forecast is for sunshine and a high of 46. So let's play disc golf!

[http://www.roch.edu/html-spectrum/getting_to_ucr.html  Directions to Campus]
Meet outside the RCTC field house, 2 pm.  Here is [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=217033483939111930234.0004a3795f42da701ae0b&msa=0&ll=44.015742,-92.422206&spn=0.003541,0.006942&iwloc=0004a37962daae4746296 a map].

[http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/heintzA.html  Heintz Center Building Map]

=== Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday February 8th ===
Aaron Albertson will present a wrap up of this season's volunteer work with student robotics.

6 pm

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

=== Social:  Thursday March 30th ===
Disc golf!  6 pm at RCTC.  If you don't have your own disc that's fine, but it helps if you let us know in advance if you'll need to borrow one.

=== Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday January 11th, 2024 ===
Aaron Albertson will present a wrap up of this season's volunteer work with student robotics.

6 pm

=== Lunch:  Thursday March 15th ===
And KLUG officer elections.
11:30 am, Apache Mall food court, near B&N.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let Tina know.

=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday March 8th ===
We'll be field tripping to the Premier Bank building downtown, for a presentation on KVM.  The details:

Open Source Virtualization and Cloud Computing with KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine)

PRESENTER: Acu Ilie Dorin Ph.D.
TIME : Thursday 8 March 6:00 PM
ACU Corporation
421 First AVE SW Suite 305 - Rochester MN 55902
Third Floor on Premier Professional Building
Park Free (after 5:30 PM) on the Back of the Premier Bank Professional Building -
Enter on the Back Entrance Follow the Signs to ACU Corporation
Also, PCIG elections.
=== Social - Dinner and a Movie:  Friday February 24th ===
<strike>We have some options.
If there's enough snow, there will be a cardboard sled challenge on Saturday February 4th, as part of WinterFest.  This is being organized by Gamehaven Boy Scouts, we could spectate at Willow Creek Golf Course.  This year's flier is available at http://www.gamehavenbsa.org/documents/CardboardSledChallengePoster2012.pdf .  (Last year's flier is available [http://www.gamehavenbsa.org/documents/2011sledflyer2.pdf here]).  It looks like 9:45 am would be a good time to arrive, to see the sleds before they are raced/demolished.</strike>
The Cardboard Sled Challenge was cancelled due to lack of snow.
Dinner at BB's Pizzaria at 6:15 pm.  The exact movie schedule for Chateau (East Circle Drive, near Shopko N) isn't released yet, but there should be ~7-7:45 pm showings of various movies that are potentially of interest, including Ghost Rider and Star Wars Episode 1 (3D).
RSVP's to Tina for dinner would be appreciated so we know how big a table to get, although hopefully we've chosen a restaurant where if you suddenly find yourself in need of dinner and company on Friday night you can still join us.  Reservations as of Friday midday are for 7 adults and 2 high chairs, under "Tina".
=== Lunch:  Thursday February 16th ===
11:30 am, Apache Mall food court, near B&N.
=== Technical Meeting:  February 9th ===
Matt Bruzek on BackTrack.
BackTrack is a Linux operating system that contains a unique collection of tools for security experts and penetration testers.  The presentation will cover an overview of the system and some of its features. 
-> When: Thursday February 9th - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
-> Where: RCTC Heintz Center Room HA107
[http://www.roch.edu/html-spectrum/getting_to_ucr.html  Directions to Campus]
[http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/heintzA.html  Heintz Center Building Map]
Also, PCIG nominations.
=== Lunch: Thursday January 19th ===
11:30 am, at the Apache Mall food court near B&N.
=== Social:  Friday January 13th ===
We'll be bowling at Byron Lanes.  7 pm.  This is a family/friends-friendly event, hope to see you there.
=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday January 12th ===
Our own Kevin Arhelger will reprise his 2008 presentation, telling us about [http://www.defcon.org/html/defcon-19/dc-19-index.html Defcon 19 (2011)].
Short demo by Lad Roering on Windows 8 (development version).
Also, K-LUG officer elections (president, vice president, treasurer) and PCIG nominations.

=== Older News ===
=== Older News ===
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* [[OldNews2010]]

Latest revision as of 17:52, 4 September 2024

Outside Social: Friday August 30th

Disc golf! Meet outside the RCTC field house, 6 pm. Here is a map.

Virtual Social: Thursday August 8th

6 pm

Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Virtual Social: Thursday July 11th

6 pm

Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Outdoor Social: Thursday June 27th, 11:45 am

Lunch at RochesterFest. We'll be sitting at a picnic table on the far side of the tent from the music, to hopefully lower the decibel level enough to still talk.

Food trailers are supposed to be open by noon, 11:45 am will give us a little better chance at getting parking.

Virtual Social: Thursday June 13th

6 pm

Meeting link removed

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Virtual Social: Thursday May 9th

6 pm

Meeting link removed

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Geocaching in-person social (outside), Friday May 3rd

6 pm

Park and walk in a neighborhood in NE Rochester.

Park near 1 - Odin on Whiting Lane NE's cul de sac. We'll walk from there to a couple of other geocaches (2, 3), then back to #1, and then decide if we're walking or driving to 4.

Litter Bit Better in-person social (outside), Tuesday April 30th

6:15 - 7:30 pm

Back to our usual Cascade Lake Park.

Bags provided. You bring your own gloves, grabbers, and sense of civic duty. There is shoreline.

As usual we are teaming up with the geocachers to avoid being overwhelmed by garbage.

Virtual Social: Thursday April 11th

Come hang out virtually with your favorite geeks, and share what you've been up to or found interesting.

6 pm

Meeting link here.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Virtual Technical Meeting: To be rescheduled

Acu Dorin will present on opensource AI software and an effort he and some other folks have made to create a private version of a chatGPT like AI interface

Outside Social: Friday March 22nd, 6 pm

Geocaching! The March equinox is an excuse to find 3 geocaches during the week of the equinox. If you've never geocached before, this is a great time to join us. Wear your hiking shoes, long sturdy pants, and otherwise dress for the weather.

We will chase 3 multi-caches that start to the east and north of St Marys Hospital https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC6G6R5 https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5XDH0 https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5XEQV

If we have any DNF's, first choice replacement will be: https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC56K4K

I skimmed through the logs, and none of our regulars seem to have found these, so hopefully everyone will qualify for the achievement.

Parking: There is a limited quantity of 2 hour parking in St. Marys Park proper. However, the neighborhood parking permit restriction opens back up starting at 5:30, so by starting at 6 pm you should be able to park on the street (and not be competing with employees for spots) for the duration of our explorations.

Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday March 14th

Speaker cancelled due to illness, will reschedule.

Tim Massaro will come to our rescue, and will present on his Partyrock/Blackrock hackathon project, as well as brainstorming some future socials.

6 pm

Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Outside Social: Saturday February 24th

It's supposed to be dry all week, there's no snow to fight with, the disc golf holes are present, and Saturday's forecast is for sunshine and a high of 46. So let's play disc golf!

Meet outside the RCTC field house, 2 pm. Here is a map.

Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday February 8th

Aaron Albertson will present a wrap up of this season's volunteer work with student robotics.

6 pm

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday January 11th, 2024

Aaron Albertson will present a wrap up of this season's volunteer work with student robotics.

6 pm

And KLUG officer elections.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let Tina know.

Older News


Content from our old website can be accessed here.