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=== Social:  Thursday May 23rd ===
=== Outside Social:  Friday August 30th ===
As of 5/13, there were still no disc golf holes out at RCTC, and I'm not thrilled about bringing toddlers to East Park for several reasons.  So we're going to go to Stewartville, and play disc golf at [http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Bear+Cave+Park,+Stewartville,+MN&hl=en&sll=46.44186,-93.36129&sspn=7.359657,13.688965&oq=bear+cave+park&hq=Bear+Cave+Park,+Stewartville,+MN&t=m&z=16 Bear Cave Park].  We typically have a few spare discs to share among those attending, but if you plan on attending and need to borrow it's best if you can give us a heads up.  Otherwise you can throw your own non-golf disc, a ball, or a shoe.

Disc golf
Disc golf! Meet outside the RCTC field house, 6 pm.  Here is [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=217033483939111930234.0004a3795f42da701ae0b&msa=0&ll=44.015742,-92.422206&spn=0.003541,0.006942&iwloc=0004a37962daae4746296 a map].

Thursday May 23rd

6:30 pm, with 5:30 pm dinner at Wendy's south by Kohl's

Bear Cave Park, Stewartville
=== Virtual Social: Thursday August 8th ===
6 pm

Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

=== Lunch:  Thursday May 16th  ===
11:30 am, Apache Mall food court, near B&N.

=== Virtual Social: Thursday July 11th ===
6 pm

Meeting link removed.

=== Technical Meeting: Thursday, May 9th - FIRST Robotics Competition Demo at Byron High School ===
Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.
The Byron High School FIRST Robotics Competition team, just back from the Minnesota 10000 Lakes Regional, will fill us in on their experience in this exciting celebration of science, engineering and technology.

We will meet in the Byron High School Commons / Dining Hall at 6:30PM

=== Outdoor Social: Thursday June 27th, 11:45 am ===
Lunch at RochesterFest.  We'll be sitting at a picnic table on the far side of the tent from the music, to hopefully lower the decibel level enough to still talk.

5 min Overview of FRC and Byron Robotics
Food trailers are supposed to be open by noon, 11:45 am will give us a little better chance at getting parking.

5 min Technical stuff on Bot

5 min Lessons Learned
=== Virtual Social: Thursday June 13th ===
6 pm

5 min Mentor-ship Opportunities
Meeting link removed

20-40 min Ultimate Ascent game
Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

There will be a "driver station" and arena mock up setup.

That will allow a few of us to try our luck at scoring within the standard 2 minute period.
=== Virtual Social: Thursday May 9th ===
6 pm

The team only has two batteries so will probably run on last about 20 minutes or so.
Meeting link removed

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.


1887 2nd Ave NW, Byron, MN 55920

Enter through doors by the flagpole. Note there is a choir concert at 7pm in the Auditorium
=== Geocaching in-person social (outside), Friday May 3rd ===
6 pm

Park and walk in a neighborhood in NE Rochester.

Park near [https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC3WQ84 1 - Odin] on Whiting Lane NE's cul de sac.  We'll walk from there to a couple of other geocaches ([https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC57FGC 2], [https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC4RPZ2 3]), then back to #1, and then decide if we're walking or driving to [https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC8M3FP 4].

=== Non-workday social:  Wednesday April 24th ===
Civic responsibility opportunity, participate in the Litter Bit Better campaign, geocache, and hang out with some K-LUGgers and geocachers.

5:30 pm, Quarry Hill
=== Litter Bit Better in-person social (outside), Tuesday April 30th ===
6:15 - 7:30 pm

Back to our usual Cascade Lake Park.

Bags provided.  You bring your own gloves, grabbers, and sense of civic duty.  There is shoreline.

As usual we are teaming up with the [https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GCAMJX2 geocachers] to avoid being overwhelmed by garbage.

=== Lunch:  Thursday April 18th  ===
11:30 am, Apache Mall food court, near B&N.

=== Virtual Social: Thursday April 11th ===
Come hang out virtually with your favorite geeks, and share what you've been up to or found interesting.

=== Show off and Networking event:  Saturday and Sunday, April 13-14th ===
6 pm
K-Lug will have a booth at the Minne-Maker Faire, partially to demo our Deconstruction 2013 projects but mostly to network, see other team projects and have some fun. Open to the public, Cost is $8, online, and $10 at the door. Children under 15 free ...stop by and say hi!

Saturday, April 13, 2013 at 11:00 AM - 5pm  Sunday, April 14, 2013 11am - 5:00 PM (CDT)
Meeting link [https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74567357951?pwd=nQjQHcz7eKjaZ5YaHS2UGrat5UVUCv.1 here].

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.
The Hack Factory (http://www.tcmaker.org/blog/hack-factory/)

3119 E 26th St  Minneapolis, MN 55406

More details and pre-order tix http://minnefaire.org/

Talk to Tim or to Matt Bruzek if you want to try to arrange anything as a group (carpooling, dinner, after-hours activities, etc).
=== Virtual Technical Meeting: To be rescheduled ===
We plan to bike the greenway and visit axe-man
Acu Dorin will present on opensource AI software and an effort he and some other folks have made to create a private version of a chatGPT like AI interface

=== <strike>Social:  Friday April 12th</strike> ===
=== Outside Social:  Friday March 22nd, 6 pm ===
<strike>2-5 pm:  Rocket show, as part of the [http://ncral2013.com/schedule-of-events/ 67th Annual Convention of the North Central Region of the Astronomical League] .  The map and directions to the launch site can be found [http://ncral2013.com/maps/ here].</strike>

Cancelled due to bad weather forecasts.
Geocaching!  The March equinox is an excuse to [https://www.geocaching.com/blog/2024/03/celebrating-the-march-equinox/ find 3 geocaches during the week of the equinox].  If you've never geocached before, this is a great time to join us.  Wear your hiking shoes, long sturdy pants, and otherwise dress for the weather.

We will chase 3 multi-caches that start to the east and north of St Marys Hospital

If we have any DNF's, first choice replacement will be:

=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday April 11th===
I skimmed through the logs, and none of our regulars seem to have found these, so hopefully everyone will qualify for the achievement.
Jim Walts, retired IBMer is about to launch a new web based business called QPonCompass.com
This business includes a website, database, an iphone and Win/7 based app (in fact he's looking for help porting his app to Android and wondered if anyone on this email list is interested in taking that on?)
The meeting will be this Thursday:

What: April K-lug/PCIG meeting QPonCompass.com - Jim Walts
There is a limited quantity of 2 hour parking in St. Marys Park proper.  However, the neighborhood parking permit restriction opens back up starting at 5:30, so by starting at 6 pm you should be able to park on the street (and not be competing with employees for spots) for the duration of our explorations.

When: Thursday April 11th - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Where: RCTC Heintz Center Room HA107
=== Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday March 14th ===
Speaker cancelled due to illness, will reschedule.

Tim Massaro will come to our rescue, and will present on his Partyrock/Blackrock hackathon project, as well as brainstorming some future socials.
More details about QPonCompass.com:
We are technology lovers who saw a better way to share/deliver/distribute coupons. We recognized the dependence and love people have with their mobile devices, and how integrated into their lives these devices have become. 
Qpon Compass was created to provide shoppers with deals in the new venue they live in. The speed and movement of information makes paper coupons obsolete and bothersome.  We created a program that makes it easy to publish, learn about, purchase, and redeem deals for both the shopper and the business owner.
After spending time working for "mammoth technology companies", Jim and Kevin applied their skills and experience to the challenges of small business owners. Jim is passionate about making new technologies fun and practical; Kevin is a penny-pincher who strives to simplify daily tasks.
Qpon Compass was born!
Always forward-thinking, we are already looking at how we can make Qpon Compass better!

6 pm

Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

=== Social:  Sunday March 24th ===
Potato cannon courtesy of Dennis DeLorme, and Rube Goldberg device construction with whatever you bring.  Please sign up with what you are bringing so we can brainstorm some in advance, as Tina doesn't have a well stocked workshop to be raiding.  http://k-lug.org/SocialMeeting

1 pm, Tina's house (address and directions via the email list)

=== Outside Social:  Saturday February 24th ===

It's supposed to be dry all week, there's no snow to fight with, the disc golf holes are present, and Saturday's forecast is for sunshine and a high of 46.  So let's play disc golf!

=== Lunch: Thursday March 21st  ===
Meet outside the RCTC field house, 2 pm.  Here is [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=217033483939111930234.0004a3795f42da701ae0b&msa=0&ll=44.015742,-92.422206&spn=0.003541,0.006942&iwloc=0004a37962daae4746296 a map].
11:30 am, Apache Mall food court, near B&N.

=== Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday February 8th ===
Aaron Albertson will present a wrap up of this season's volunteer work with student robotics.

=== Technical Meeting:  FIELD TRIP, Thursday March 14th ===
6 pm
How to solder.  Kits will have been available for pre-order at the February technical meeting, or bring your own current project.  If you own your own soldering iron and are willing to bring it to share, that's great please do so.  Also needed for loan for the evening are folding chairs and tables.
Pre-orderable kits:
1)  http://www.parallax.com/tabid/768/ProductID/832/Default.aspx  for $7, a colored lights robot badge.<br>
2)  http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_2131207_-1  for $8, a two option decision maker.<br>
3)  http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_2136999_-1  for $11, Simon Says.<br>
We're meeting at the Toymakers hacker/maker space again.  http://tymkrs.com/rabbithole/
547 Northern Heights Dr NE
Rochester MN 55906
6-9 pm
For anyone who didn't go there in January, their house is on the north side of the road up a steep and twisted driveway; park on the road with a parking brake.  Walk up the driveway, <strike>up the steps, and ring the doorbell.</strike> into the open garage door, and into the house without needing to ring the doorbell.
Also, PCIG elections.
=== Technical Meeting:  Thursday February ''21st'' ===
Dean Johnson, on "How I Work".  Slides are [http://k-lug.org/HowIWork here] or [https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8U2owv7iPY8bHFuSENHNGFNdmM/edit?usp=sharing&pli=1 here].
As regularly scheduled, this would fall on Valentine's Day.  So as to not get anyone in trouble with their significant other, or to cause decreased attendance for our speaker, we've pushed this one back a week.  Yes, you now can see your favorite geeks twice in one day if you also attend lunch.
Other agenda topics:<br>
-Our delayed K-LUG officer elections (president, vice president, treasurer) and PCIG nominations.<br>
-"How to solder" group kit orders, for March hands-on technical meeting.  Please bring cash in exact change!<br>
1)  http://www.parallax.com/tabid/768/ProductID/832/Default.aspx  for $7, a colored lights robot badge.<br>
2)  http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_2131207_-1  for $8, a two option decision maker.<br>
3)  http://www.jameco.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10001_10001_2136999_-1  for $11, Simon Says.<br>
-What else?
When: Thursday February 21st - 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Where: RCTC Heintz Center Room HA107
[http://www.roch.edu/html-spectrum/getting_to_ucr.html  Directions to Campus]
[http://www.rctc.edu/campustour/maps/heintzA.html  Heintz Center Building Map]

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

=== Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday January 11th, 2024 ===
=== Lunch: Thursday February 21st  ===
Aaron Albertson will present a wrap up of this season's volunteer work with student robotics.
11:30 am, Apache Mall food court, near B&N.
=== Unofficial social:  Thursday February 14th ===
Who needs hearts when you can eat BRAINS!  Zombie-themed game night at Tina's.  Family and friends are welcome.  It'd be nice if you could bring a drink or snack to share, or some folding chairs.

6 pm
6 pm

And KLUG officer elections.

=== Social:  Saturday February 2nd, 1 pm ===
Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let Tina know.
Let's piggyback on Winterfest. 
I've tried to pick something cheap or free for the official social, but I'll also cite one activity that may be of interest for group members that has a higher entry fee if anyone wants an unofficial social (sorry, my family won't be making that one).
What:  Horse drawn sleigh rides and bonfire, hot cocoa and cookies, plus free museum day at the History Center Museum.<br>
Where:  [http://www.olmstedhistory.com/events/1111/sleigh-rides-and-free-museum-day/ The History Center of Olmsted County], 1195 West Circle Drive SW<br>
When:  Saturday February 2nd, 1 pm<br>
Cost:  free will donation, which goes to Rochester Special Olympics.
Unofficial:  Thursday February 7th, Bacon Fest!  $20.  http://baconfestrochester.wordpress.com/ <br>
Event runs 5-9 pm, I'll set a K-LUG meeting time of 6 pm.  You'll have to look for someone else to gather around though, my family won't be attending this one.<br>
Canadian Honker Event Center at the Ramada Hotel, 1517 16th St SW<br>
At the door:  CASH ONLY<br>
Alternate method of payment: Tickets can also be purchased online by making a $25 donation to the Sunset Terrace Playground project. The deadline is Wednesday, February 6th at midnight. Tickets purchased online can be picked up at the event.
=== Social:  Saturday, January 19th ===
The following schedule is tentative, because the official movie schedule is released on Wednesday or Thursday in a week for that weekend.  That's not a lot of notice for planning a group event.  But I've been informed by someone who movie-goes more than my ~1x/year that schedules don't tend to vary *too* much from week to week, so we'll use the current info to plan around.
Saturday January 19th<br>
1 pm - lunch at Kingdom Buffet<br>
3:20 pm - The Hobbit (2D) at Cinemagic<br>
Not the fastest route, but the most straight forward, if you're unfamiliar with either location:  http://goo.gl/maps/jnGFw
Lunch at Kingdom Buffet, followed by a movie.  Feature movie is The Hobbit (2D), but there are several others starting in that same general timeframe if you'd rather attend something else.  Alternatively, you can do just lunch or just the movie.  We'll meet for lunch at 1 pm, 1639 N Broadway.  The Hobbit is at 3:20 at Cinemagic (2171 Superior Drive N.W., by the old Westfire).  If Chinese isn't your favorite, please don't be intimidated; Kingdom Buffet does have several buffet items that are more Midwestern acceptable (bbq ribs, teriyaki chicken shishkabobs, salad bar with jello, pudding, hard boiled eggs and fruit, ice cream, etc), it's our preferred spot to feed our toddler when we're out and need to put food in front of her immediately but don't want fast food.
Other movies being shown at approximately the same timeframe at Cinemagic:<br>
3:00 - Parental Guidance (PG)<br>
3:25 - A Haunted House (R)<br>
3:40 - Zero Dark Thirty (R)<br>
3:50 - Les Miserables (PG-13)<br>
(unfortunately this is a much shorter list than it had been last weekend, we lost ~1/2 the options)
Both Mayo and Think Bank have discounted movie ticket rates, but I think those are only valid on non-matinee priced movies.
=== Lunch:  Thursday January 17th  ===
11:30 am, Apache Mall food court, near B&N.
=== Technical Meeting:  FIELD TRIP, FRIDAY, January 11th, 2013 ===
We're checking out a local hacker/maker space.  6 pm, we'll be tagging along to their standard monthly meeting.  Their website:  http://tymkrs.com/rabbithole/
547 Northern Heights Dr NE
Rochester MN 55906
If it's easy for you, throw in a folding chair.  We'll provide the leftover pop from the December party, and some treats as usual.  They've said if you have a project to work on, you should bring it with you.
Because of the rescheduling and the field trip, we'll put off officer elections until February.

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Latest revision as of 17:52, 4 September 2024

Outside Social: Friday August 30th

Disc golf! Meet outside the RCTC field house, 6 pm. Here is a map.

Virtual Social: Thursday August 8th

6 pm

Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Virtual Social: Thursday July 11th

6 pm

Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Outdoor Social: Thursday June 27th, 11:45 am

Lunch at RochesterFest. We'll be sitting at a picnic table on the far side of the tent from the music, to hopefully lower the decibel level enough to still talk.

Food trailers are supposed to be open by noon, 11:45 am will give us a little better chance at getting parking.

Virtual Social: Thursday June 13th

6 pm

Meeting link removed

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Virtual Social: Thursday May 9th

6 pm

Meeting link removed

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Geocaching in-person social (outside), Friday May 3rd

6 pm

Park and walk in a neighborhood in NE Rochester.

Park near 1 - Odin on Whiting Lane NE's cul de sac. We'll walk from there to a couple of other geocaches (2, 3), then back to #1, and then decide if we're walking or driving to 4.

Litter Bit Better in-person social (outside), Tuesday April 30th

6:15 - 7:30 pm

Back to our usual Cascade Lake Park.

Bags provided. You bring your own gloves, grabbers, and sense of civic duty. There is shoreline.

As usual we are teaming up with the geocachers to avoid being overwhelmed by garbage.

Virtual Social: Thursday April 11th

Come hang out virtually with your favorite geeks, and share what you've been up to or found interesting.

6 pm

Meeting link here.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Virtual Technical Meeting: To be rescheduled

Acu Dorin will present on opensource AI software and an effort he and some other folks have made to create a private version of a chatGPT like AI interface

Outside Social: Friday March 22nd, 6 pm

Geocaching! The March equinox is an excuse to find 3 geocaches during the week of the equinox. If you've never geocached before, this is a great time to join us. Wear your hiking shoes, long sturdy pants, and otherwise dress for the weather.

We will chase 3 multi-caches that start to the east and north of St Marys Hospital https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC6G6R5 https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5XDH0 https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC5XEQV

If we have any DNF's, first choice replacement will be: https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC56K4K

I skimmed through the logs, and none of our regulars seem to have found these, so hopefully everyone will qualify for the achievement.

Parking: There is a limited quantity of 2 hour parking in St. Marys Park proper. However, the neighborhood parking permit restriction opens back up starting at 5:30, so by starting at 6 pm you should be able to park on the street (and not be competing with employees for spots) for the duration of our explorations.

Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday March 14th

Speaker cancelled due to illness, will reschedule.

Tim Massaro will come to our rescue, and will present on his Partyrock/Blackrock hackathon project, as well as brainstorming some future socials.

6 pm

Meeting link removed.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Outside Social: Saturday February 24th

It's supposed to be dry all week, there's no snow to fight with, the disc golf holes are present, and Saturday's forecast is for sunshine and a high of 46. So let's play disc golf!

Meet outside the RCTC field house, 2 pm. Here is a map.

Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday February 8th

Aaron Albertson will present a wrap up of this season's volunteer work with student robotics.

6 pm

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let us know.

Virtual Technical Meeting: Thursday January 11th, 2024

Aaron Albertson will present a wrap up of this season's volunteer work with student robotics.

6 pm

And KLUG officer elections.

Anything else you want to see on the agenda? Let Tina know.

Older News


Content from our old website can be accessed here.