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Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | User | Description | Versions |
14:43, 14 September 2023 | Home media streaming.pdf (file) | 51 KB | Twood80 | Dennis DeLorme presented on home media streaming, September 2023. -- There are a lot of possibilities and options for media streaming. The presentation will cover mainly the path I took and some options. The first page of the PDF covers the streaming... | 1 | |
22:23, 10 February 2023 | Dall-e 2.pdf (file) | 113 KB | Twood80 | February 9 2023 presentation slides by Tim Massaro, on Dall-e 2. | 1 | |
01:31, 19 June 2018 | Home 3d printing.pdf (file) | 1.72 MB | Twood80 | Roger Southwick's June 2018 presentation slides | 1 | |
03:08, 26 April 2018 | 3dprinting201806.jpg (file) | 37 KB | Twood80 | Roger Southwick June 2018 3D printing | 1 | |
04:58, 18 January 2018 | Survival in technology.pdf (file) | 45 KB | Twood80 | 1 | ||
04:57, 18 January 2018 | Job Hunting Options.pdf (file) | 1.65 MB | Twood80 | 1 | ||
18:27, 14 July 2017 | AndroidInterface.pdf (file) | 730 KB | Dennyd | Android to Arduino interface presentation | 1 | |
00:31, 1 June 2017 | TwoFactorAuthentication 201706.pdf (file) | 1.7 MB | Twood80 | 1 | ||
23:31, 10 May 2017 | Civiccenter meeting location and auditorium.png (file) | 437 KB | Twood80 | For the spring 2017 free physics show | 1 | |
13:45, 14 April 2017 | Docker.pdf (file) | 72 KB | Twood80 | Docker presentation April 2017, by Robert Nix | 1 | |
22:16, 9 January 2017 | ArborWayLabsJAN122017.pdf (file) | 43 KB | Twood80 | 1 | ||
14:35, 5 December 2016 | MachineShed201611.pdf (file) | 1.22 MB | Twood80 | Newspaper articles from November 2016 advertising the Machine Shed, a Rochester arcade gaming location. | 1 | |
16:34, 12 February 2016 | Lvm.odp (file) | 881 KB | Rpnix | Logical Volume Manager presentation slides - 02/11/2016 - Robert Nix | 1 | |
23:36, 18 January 2016 | StarNetDS18B20.odt (file) | 21 KB | Dennyd | 2 | ||
23:11, 18 January 2016 | Klug-nrf24.pdf (file) | 1.05 MB | Dennyd | Jan 14 2016 Presentation | 1 | |
13:28, 9 September 2015 | Windows 10 is available what should I do.pdf (file) | 5.32 MB | Twood80 | Presentation slides for Windows 10, Tom Adams, September 2015 | 1 | |
16:00, 8 September 2015 | Windows 10 Seminar description.pdf (file) | 561 KB | Twood80 | September 2015 presentation by Tom Adams | 1 | |
14:07, 18 May 2015 | Free to Play.pdf (file) | 717 KB | Twood80 | Jon Tollefson's presentation on his experience publishing a free app in the Google Play store. | 1 | |
14:18, 15 October 2014 | Recloudify.odp (file) | 231 KB | Twood80 | Marc Thomas' presentation on "Recloudify your life", October 2014. | 1 | |
20:25, 10 April 2014 | Beaglbone.pdf (file) | 353 KB | Dennyd | Beaglebone Black presentation 4/10/2014 | 1 | |
17:10, 14 January 2014 | Bitcoin.pdf (file) | 1.81 MB | Twood80 | Kyle Jervis' January 2014 technical presentation on bitcoin. | 1 | |
22:41, 14 November 2013 | ATtinyPresentation.pdf (file) | 579 KB | Dennyd | 3 | ||
15:17, 13 September 2013 | OVirt.pdf (file) | 332 KB | Twood80 | Chris Henderson's September 2013 presentation slides on oVirt | 1 | |
20:21, 12 July 2013 | Robot.png (file) | 7 KB | Bruzer | Maker Faire robot | 3 | |
15:49, 14 June 2013 | Lcd 201306.pdf (file) | 864 KB | Twood80 | Dennis DeLorme's June 2013 "Connect your LCD to ____" presentation | 1 | |
02:38, 21 March 2013 | RecyclotronSM.jpg (file) | 130 KB | TimM | Recyclotron Can Crusher nearing completion | 1 | |
02:29, 21 March 2013 | Recyclotron.jpg (file) | 449 KB | TimM | Recyclotron Can Crusher created during the Deconstruction 2013 | 1 | |
17:17, 5 March 2012 | BackTrack Linux presentation.pdf (file) | 1.05 MB | TimM | BackTrack Linux Presentation by Matt from Feb 2012 | 1 | |
19:16, 9 November 2011 | 20111013 SteveConners.pdf (file) | 1.24 MB | Twood80 | The October 2011 technical meeting presentation slides by Steve Conners, Ability Built Computers and BEAM. (B&W version without background designs due to upload size restrictions) | 1 | |
16:05, 1 April 2011 | ESAFoundationGrantApplication2011.pdf (file) | 51 KB | Twood80 | Partnering with a library in Hobson City MO to bring more computers to their town. | 1 | |
20:48, 9 September 2010 | Sept2010 ProducingandPublishingGreatScreencasts.pdf (file) | 2.77 MB | Eldon Nelson | Slides from September 2010 meeting on "Producing and Publishing Great Screencasts" | 1 | |
19:28, 17 March 2010 | LitterBitBetter 2010 AdoptionArea.pdf (file) | 1.4 MB | Twood80 | The portion of Bear Creek Park we're helping to clean up on April 24, 2010. | 1 | |
19:44, 16 March 2010 | Drupal Winona360.pdf (file) | 58 KB | Twood80 | Slides on Drupal and Winona360 from Jose de Leon's March 11, 2010 presentation. | 1 | |
19:08, 29 October 2009 | Swapflyer 2009.pdf (file) | 76 KB | Twood80 | 2009 swap flier, made by Jon Gullixson | 1 | |
22:21, 21 October 2009 | 2009OctKLUG-GroovyGrails.pdf (file) | 60 KB | Twood80 | Jean Barmash's October 2009 presentation to K-LUG/PCIG on Groovy on Grails. | 1 | |
19:26, 18 September 2009 | IphoneIntro200909.pdf (file) | 1.63 MB | Twood80 | Jon Tollefson's September 2009 presentation on iPhone app development. | 1 | |
18:19, 28 July 2009 | Comedy.pdf (file) | 344 KB | TimM | Free Comedy show for Autism | 1 | |
14:00, 3 July 2009 | Openstickers.png (file) | 10 KB | TimM | 1 | ||
01:22, 14 May 2009 | IMG 0046.jpg (file) | 23 KB | TimM | 1 | ||
00:46, 20 March 2009 | Potato1.jpg (file) | 174 KB | Sueschm | Launch of Patato Cannon | 1 | |
00:33, 20 March 2009 | MVI 0639.AVI 000003366.jpg (file) | 153 KB | Sueschm | Diet Coke and Mentos | 1 | |
00:32, 20 March 2009 | Goldberg4.jpg (file) | 170 KB | Sueschm | Forth stage of Rube Goldberg machine | 1 | |
00:32, 20 March 2009 | Goldberg3.jpg (file) | 158 KB | Sueschm | Third stage of Rube Goldberg machine | 1 | |
00:32, 20 March 2009 | Goldberg2.jpg (file) | 168 KB | Sueschm | Second stage of Rube Goldberg machine | 1 | |
00:32, 20 March 2009 | Goldberg1.jpg (file) | 140 KB | Sueschm | First stage of Rube Goldberg machine | 1 | |
01:04, 19 March 2009 | MVI 0627.AVI 000013199 1.jpg (file) | 202 KB | Sueschm | Picture from evening at Tina's house | 1 | |
00:57, 19 March 2009 | 3 17 09 people1.jpg (file) | 143 KB | Sueschm | Fun at Tina's house on St Patricks day. | 1 | |
00:56, 19 March 2009 | MVI 0627.AVI 000018599.jpg (file) | 143 KB | Sueschm | Fun at Tina's house on St Patricks day. | 1 | |
18:30, 5 February 2009 | Boarduino.jpg (file) | 316 KB | TimM | Boarduino Style Ardunio micro processor | 1 | |
14:30, 24 December 2008 | Hardcore.jpg (file) | 3 KB | TimM | 1 |